We hope by now you've seen the amazing #IGotYou initiative started by Still Stoked.
If not make sure you head over to to find out all about it and join the community which is changing line ups for women around the world.
#IGotYou is Still Stoked's campaign to encourage women to be a positive influence to other women in the surf and beyond.
They are encouraging women to take the #IGotYou pledge and many of the women who have, have shared their #IGotYou stories.
For those of you who do, you are in with a chance to win some prizes.
CEACEA SWIMWEAR were happy to donate a surf outfit and we would like to share the winner Alyce's inspiring story.
Follow her journey @the_surfing_dietitian
Alyce’s story....
I am loving the #IGotYou theme so much everyone's stories are just beautiful. My story is a shoutout to the most amazing and beautiful girls that I call my best friends.
When we were younger, I had struggled with body image issues and an eating disorder all through my teenage years. I was scared to wear a bikini or be seen doing something like surfing in case I 'looked bad' and I was especially scared to love myself.

Having these girls in my life saved me. They are just so accepting of themselves that just being around them helped me to love myself a little more. Their support and love showed me that I can wear what I want, do what I want and be who I want, exactly how I am.

Now I practically live in a bikini and I am the biggest surfaholic out of all of us!
I hope to be this person to other girls and women in my life and help each other be body confident as well as surf confident so we can all just love to surf together.
Thanks Alyce for sharing your story with us.